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Confessions of a former judgmental “B”…..

I used to be a self-proclaimed  “judgmental B”. Was I bad person? No, I wasn’t. Most of us aren’t. I was different back then though. I would gossip behind peoples backs and not confront them to their faces because I was too much of a coward. I...

1 year in Business

  A year ago, I graduated from my coaching program and I was HYPED. I was ready to take on the world as Coach. Ready to serve and inspire women like you. But the truth is I had NO idea where to start. Branding, marketing, operating systems, WHaaaaAAATT ?!?! I was...

Last night I got my heart broken…

  Last night I got my heart broken…. But it’s not what you think. I watched “Embrace” a documentary about the global epidemic of poor body image in women.  And oh, did it hit me hard. (

A Dinner with 7 Strangers

    Last night I ate dinner with 7 strangers at the Dinner Party Project. The idea is you sign up to be in a lottery and you are selected with 7 other strangers to eat and socialize.  You are given a location to arrive at and a local chef comes and cooks an...