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Here’s the truth, the way we look at things matters.

Take any situation in your life right now that is causing you an uncomfortable feeling. Maybe it’s your job, a relationship you’re in, school, or even an upcoming event you’re dreading. How would you name your perspective on the situation? Stressed, depressed, apathetic, paralyzed?

I’ll use myself as an example. I’m starting a business, which has a ton of moving parts, and there is always more I could be doing. Right now my current perspective on my career can sometimes be, “overwhelmed”. If I’m not careful with this I can easily go into a downward spiral where I think what I’m doing is impossible and I should give up. When I get into this mindset it’s super hard to be productive, creative and most of all, excited about what I’m doing. The perspective of “overwhelmed” also shuts down appreciating anything about my situation or myself. Sound familiar to anything you’ve got going on ?

So here’s the other truth. Although often times our circumstances are what they are, your perspective on your situation is a choice. We are all in a perspective all the time about everything. Maybe it’s good, maybe it’s bad, maybe it’s neutral. Either way, the way you view your situation is a CHOICE. Even neutral is a choice.

So now I want you to take that situation that you thought of and ask yourself these 4 questions:

How is this perspective serving me?

Is it serving you at all or do you just love the drama? Often times we get so stuck in the emotions around the situation that our emotions become our truth and we see no way out . Get super clear on what your emotions are around this subject before you proceed.

Why am I resisting changing my perspective on this topic?

Maybe you’re not ready yet and that’s ok. Maybe you need more time to process or grieve this particular subject. If that’s the case, then do it, BUT brutally honest with yourself. Do you really need more time to sit with this or are you just using this as an excuse to not get into action?

What would be possible if I looked at this situation in another light?

In every situation, there is something to be appreciated. Yes, I said every situation. Choosing to shift your perspective allows you to see that and opens the doors to possibilities you had previously shut down.

What can you action right now?

What can you do right now that would give you your power back in this situation? Maybe it’s talking to a friend about it, maybe it’s doing that thing that you’ve been putting off doing, maybe it’s making a list of all the things you appreciate. These are just a few of the many, many things you can do.

Here I just barely scratched the surface on how I coach perspective with my clients. As a coach, my job is support you when you need support and challenge you to action when you are stuck in a self-defeating perspective.

Want to chat more? Shoot me a line at