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Once upon a time, I thought life was just “happening to me” and I had to go with the flow of it.

I thought I had to be friends with people I had a history with but really didn’t have anything in common with anymore. I felt obligated to stay with an ex-boyfriend because I thought he “needed” me. (Spoiler alert: 3 weeks after our break-up he already had a new “me”). I said “yes” to things I didn’t really want to be doing and felt resentful later. I didn’t have time and didn’t have much to show for it.

Does any of this sound familiar?

Then I went to coaching school and one of my teachers said something to me that I’ll never forget:

“We all have the same 24 hours in a day, and how you will fill them and who you will fill them with is 100% on you. You have to set boundaries with people, your time, and your energy or else life will pass you by.”

This was a life changing statement for me.

This setting of personal boundaries is a necessary skill in life, but no one really teaches it and it requires you coming back to it over and over again. Getting really REAL with yourself about what you do and do not want in your life. What makes you feel good and what makes you feel bad.

Boundaries tell the universe what we will and will not accept in this life.

Boundaries are set to protect your heart.

Boundaries are set to protect your time.

Boundaries are set to allow you to choose how, when, and why you spend your energy.

It’s saying “yes” and “no” to the right things that support your vision and goals.

And guess what? You are not obligated to explain anything to anyone. What a relief.

When you get super clear on what you want, it’s up to you to design a set of boundaries that make it possible. And believe me, I know it takes courage and grit to set them and stick to them. That is a huge part of my work with clients.

100% of clients I have coached have made some mention of how they don’t have enough “time”. When we really get down to the nitty gritty of the situation, the problem isn’t that you don’t have enough time. It’s that you don’t have enough boundaries.

I’ve opened up time on my calendar this week to take 3 calls to solve this for you. 100% money back guarantee. (It’s free hahah!) On this call, we are going to do an assessment of your life or business and see where some new courageous boundaries need to be set. First come first serve!