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This past February, I was going to get my “diet together”. I am a sugar LOVER and Christmas indulgences usually end up dragging into Feb for me! ( Anyone else? ) So, in February I said I was going to do another round of the Whole30, a very restrictive 30 day diet.The truth is I really didn’t want to do it. I really wanted to be out socializing and connecting with people, which is really hard on a restrictive diet.

So I begrudgingly said to myself I was going to do it, but I didn’t really tell anyone because deep down I wasn’t committed. On February 5, I went out for pizza, beer AND ice-cream. Oops.These foods are not Whole30 approved BTW. Also, I did absolutely no prep for it. I said I will “see how it goes”.

What’s my point? I have 2: a) I didn’t want to do it in the first place and b) I set myself up to fail by not prepping and not boldly claiming it.

Apply the following principles to anything you truly want in life and why you are not getting it:

1) You haven’t *really* decided

You tell yourself you will “see how things go”. So you already plan for it to not work. I get it, things haven’t worked out for you before so there is some fear there. Totally normal and part of being human. I will tell you what though, setting yourself up for things to not work out is a GREAT way to make sure they don’t. The first rule of getting what you want is BOLDLY claiming it without planning an escape route. Solution: DECIDE on a goal. DECIDE it is going to happen every single day. Prepare for it.

2) You don’t really want it

You think you “should” want it. Just like in my story. I thought I “should” want to get my sugar issue under control, but really I had a bigger priority that month of connecting and socializing. Pro-tip: Get real with yourself It’s OKAY to not want to do something right now. Take it off your plate if you don’t want to do it.

3) You think it’s not “realistic”

“So many of us choose our path out of fear disguised as practicality”. Pro-tip: Ask yourself, who says what is realistic? Why can’t you have what you want? Seriously, why can’t you?

4) You are afraid of what others will think

“What will they say?” This phrase has killed A LOT of dreams. As humans we all want approval to some degree. Most of us are grappling with getting approval from our parents no matter how old we are. And if it’s not our parents, it’s someone else. Am I right or am I right ?! Pro-tip: Ask yourself, what would you do differently if you were less concerned with the approval of other people.

5) You are waiting to be perfect to act

You are waiting for conditions to be perfect before you act. You need to do _______ before you ________. Maybe you need to “lose 10lbs before you date” or you “need to take another course before you see yourself as an expert” or some variation of that. Pro-tip: Where are you actively holding yourself back because you are waiting for perfect conditions? Spoiler alert: the time will never be perfect and the world isn’t going to wait on you. Go out and get busy!

Can you recognize yourself in any of these? If so, I’d love to hear from you!

Yours in truth and tenacity,

Jessica Hetherington

P.S. This post is a great but I’d love to help you actually put it into action. If you really want to see a transformation or some serious change, there is really nothing better than getting some 1-on-1 time. I’ve made it really easy for you guys to have a 30min complimentary call with me. Click here to book 🙂