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As I sat down to blog this week, I thought about a bunch of “fake” and “safe” topics I could write about. Topics that would paint a pretty picture about my life, coaching ,etc. But it just didn’t feel right.

Real talk: I’ve been verrrry uninspired this week. Im on day 23 of Whole30 and they say that this is what happens in the last week . They say you get moody, weepy and have intense cravings for the foods you can’t eat.(Cue vivid dreams of donut and pizza eating escapades and waking up in a sweaty panic that I have cheated on Whole30)  At this point, I’m kind of over it. Sometimes I forget I’m even on it anymore and I feel fine. Other times I’m super annoyed that I have to meticulously plan every morsel that passes through my lips. Also, I’m fairly certain coconut oil actually runs through my veins and serves as blood now…

Disclaimer: Check back with me after day 30 and let’s see how I really feel. Remember, I did say “moody” was the current state of affairs…

Couple this with the fact that I found out some news this week that has rocked me to my core. The kind of news that you can’t positively spin, reframe, or any of my other sneaky coaching techniques. The kind of news that you have no choice but to process and be with.

Emails, texts, and phone calls have gone unanswered. My attitude hasn’t been as chipper as it usually is. In yoga, I nearly had a melt-down because we didn’t do enough chatarungas to sufficiently make my triceps burn which was all I was craving that morning. All very unlike me.

It’s been a hell of a week.

And in a wicked twist of fate, wine and chocolate are not in my near future.

But then yesterday I got invited to go to a fantastic workshop about the power of storytelling in business. It was JUST what I needed this week . We talked about how we all have stories. Powerful stories that have the potential to transform, inspire and heal others. It was such perfect timing for me and such a powerful reminder that we are all fighting our own battles. Just one conversation with a stranger made me feel like I’m not alone.

One idea really stood out to me the most. It’s something that I live by, coach by and a fundamental belief I have.

“Daring greatly means the courage to be vulnerable. It means to show up and be seen. To ask what you need. To talk about how you are feeling. To have the hard conversations. Vulnerability is the cornerstone of confidence.” – Brene Brown


Everyday courage and is showing up to your life everyday even when life is imperfect. It’s being a Boss when you don’t feel like it. It’s facing what you need to face even when it’s inconvenient and hard.

Sometimes courage is telling someone you’re not ok. It’s asking the hard questions to get the answers you might not want to hear. It’s being brave enough to ask for what you need. It’s correcting someone when they call you the wrong name. It’s talking about that “thing” that you don’t want to talk about. It’s ruffling some feathers.

Sometimes it’s even just getting out of bed in the morning.

And finally, Everyday Courage is the fundamental belief and confidence that you will always be ok, no matter what…

Boldly and Bravely yours,
