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So you’ve decided to take the leap and do something huge. Maybe you are moving to another country, quitting your job, starting a business, leaving a relationship etc, etc. Or maybe you are still in the contemplation stage of doing something big and bold like this. Either way I got you, lets look at 5 things that will almost certainly happen when you do…..

  1. You will make others HIGHLY uncomfortable and probably piss some people off –   “Are you sure you want to do that?, Isn’t that unsafe?, That’s a little uncertain isn’t it?”. Does this sound familiar? I always say we live in a society that celebrates status quo and going along with the flow. Well, now you are doing the opposite, you are challenging the status quo which takes courage and conviction. That very courage and conviction has the potential to ruffle some serious feathers. You may deal with some jealousy, resentment and fear from people in your life. People you really, really care about and whose opinions matter to you. Not everyone will have ill intent by any means but you will hear comments like this. In these moments, it’s important to remind ourselves that we are capable,powerful and confident that we are making the right choice for us. Say it with me now, I am capable, powerful and confident I am making the right choice for me.
  2. You will learn how brilliant, resourceful and talented you are. There is nothing like stepping out of your comfort zone to help you to discover talents and strengths you never knew you had. The confidence you gain from truly stretching yourself is unmatched and opens the doors to a version of your self you may have never seen as possible.
  3. You will learn to be your biggest fan- You will have to. A rock solid support system is crucial to life, butttttt the bottom line is if you don’t believe in yourself at your core, you are going to struggle. and  Not only will you learn to be your biggest fan, you are probably going to gain a few fans in the process. You are going inspire the shizzz out of others. Being bold and courageous has a way of being contagious and spreading like wildfire. You never, ever know who is watching and starting their journey because that little spark was lit by something you did.
  4. You will feel soul crushing doubt and uncertainty- You can absolutely count on this to happen. Some days you will be fine, on top of the world even. Everything is awesome and life is GREAT !!!! Annnnnd, we all know it only takes one teeny tiny little event to happen that sends us down the spiral of doubt. Don’t fear though, you have what it takes to bounce back from that negative self-talk. You will need to be crystal clear on your unique strengths, purpose and values and hold on tight
  5. You won’t feel regret.  There are few things worse in life than regret. In fact, my entire business is based on guiding clients to live regret-free and empowered lives. Whether or not you “fail” at what your are attempting to do, you can always say you tried and gave it your all. So what is the alternative? I’ll tell you, the alternative is waking up one day in your 80’s near the end of your life wondering what if? and why didn’t I do that thing I wanted to do?

If you haven’t noticed yet, I’m all about following your dreams. Doing the “hard” thing, challenging your personal status quo and living far, far outside your comfort zone. Whatever that means to you, I’m for it and I support you 100%.

It takes conviction and courage to follow your dreams and I know you have what it takes.