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So I used to be embarrassed about the fact that “fun” is one of my core values. I would think, “oh people are going to think I’m such a flake or a party girl . I should care more about world peace and politics than fun.”

And I do care about those things. But in a different way. My contribution to this world is not going be  political in nature. My purpose is you living your purpose. That is how I will change the world. But, that used to bring up feelings of guilt for me and I used to make myself wrong for it.

Years ago, I started dating this guy. He cared about all the things that I thought I should care about. At first, it made me feel better to be associated with him and I think he felt similarly about me. Looking back, I didn’t actually even really like him, and I don’t think he really liked me either.

We spent nearly a year together.

Pretending to be people we weren’t.

The entire relationship felt like trying to put a square block into a round hole.


The truth is, I am never going to be the authority on politics. If you are looking for that, you have come to the wrong place. And I don’t feel bad about it anymore. Love me or hate me, I am who I am.

I know I am my best, most productive self when I am honoring my value of fun and all my other values. I am my best when I only make commitments to the things I really want in my life. I am certain of who I am and what I want which makes decision-making easy and painless. I take no shit and edit my life frequently and ruthlessly to stay in line with my values.

The lesson here is:

Stop being someone else’s version of Perfect. Start being YOU.

You are NOT going to leave your legacy pretending to be something you are not. 

Now, of COURSE I still care what people think of me. And I make sacrifices where I need to for the people I care about. BUT, I no longer pretend to be someone I’m not.

I want you to know that this is possible for you too. It’s not that far out of reach. I know because I have done it myself and I have helped dozens of women do it too.

So let’s go into the last 2 weeks of 2016 with these powerful intentions: ( No need to wait until January 1!) 

I am going to fill my  life with the things I  want and love. I’m leaving the drama behind. I’m going to be kind AND I’m going to take no shit. I will swiftly and powerfully get rid of situations and people who don’t deserve my time. I’m going to ask for what I want. I’m going to invite that shit into my life. I’m going to feel the fear and do it anyway. I am bold and courageous. I love my story and what I have been through. It’s polished me like the DIAMOND I am. 50% Sweetheart and 50% Savage all day everyday. 

The truth is most of us have good intentions to living this way and making big changes. But when push comes to shove and circumstances aren’t perfect, we fold. We fold because we don’t have the support we need. We rationalize away that goal that used to excite us so much. I’m not about that life ladies. Again, it’s my purpose that you live your purpose.

We can not go at this alone, and I want to help you. 

When the going gets tough and you want to give up on your goal, I will be there. 

I will support you in doing the dirty work to get what you want. 

I will hold you to it.  

I work with women who are the change-makers and the legacy leavers of this world. 

Girl on Fire is getting ready to launch in the next couple of weeks, but I’m opening a couple of early bird slots early with some extra bonuses. ( I’m only taking 10 ladies total) If you are even a little bit curious, I’d love to chat to see if it’s a good fit for you . Click to get on my calendar.

Boldly and Bravely yours,
