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Defeating the sugar dragon…Day 30

  The Whole30 diet is officially over. I survived! 30 days without a shred of sugar, grain, alcohol, soy, dairy or gluten. And oh my coconut oil, did I learn A LOT . I know what you want to know… Did I lose weight? Well, I’m sorry to disappoint , but...

As I sat down to blog this week, I thought about a bunch of “fake” and “safe” topics I could write about. Topics that would paint a pretty picture about my life, coaching ,etc. But it just didn’t feel right. Real talk: I’ve been...

I quit sugar,alcohol,gluten,dairy and grains

Well, for 30 days anyway… So I’m on day 15 out of 30 on the Whole30 diet. Have you heard of it? If not, the Whole30 diet is an elimination diet that is toted as a “reset” button for your health, your habits and relationship to food. “The...

Red flags and “bad” decisions….

    How many of us have seen red flags in a situation and decided to not only proceed, but CHARGE towards them anyway?? Everyone better be nodding their heads HELL yes right now because we are all human and we’ve all done it. I won’t regail you...

Does everything happen for a reason?

Last weekend  I was in Chicago for one of my oldest and best friend’s wedding. It was a beautiful day of celebrating that ended with an epic dance party evidenced by the black feet many of us had by the end of the night because we danced the night away barefoot....

It’s ok, you can get mad…

Emotions seem to rule our daily lives. We generally make decisions based on if we are happy, sad, excited, bored, or stressed. That extra glass of wine or piece of chocolate sounds really good when we are stressed, am I right or am I right!? Emotions are with us from...