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The price of happiness

      What is happiness and fulfillment anyway? Fullfilllment is living a life that is aligned with your values every day. It’s making choices that fit with what is truly important to you. It’s so much more than goal setting. The idea is...

Knowing when to fold…. A lesson on Intuition

    When do you know it’s time to walk away from something? Anything. A job, a person, a situation…. How many of us have gotten ourselves into “situations” where we saw red flags and went charging towards them anyway? You tried to argue with your...

The Dangers of Optimism

    I know what you’re thinking. Wait, what ? I thought I was supposed to see the bright side of everything ?! Stay with me here….. I’m talking to all you go-getting hard chargers. The ones who like to power through life no matter what happens. You tell...

Why are you here?

Interesting question right? I’m not talking about your job or your career. I’m talking about finding your PURPOSE. What makes you tick? What is the impact you want to leave on this world? The thing that people can count on you for. Do you know it? This is...


Thanks to social media, we have plenty of amo these days to compare our lives to others. We see the filtered, shiny photos of someone else’s life before we even have a chance to brush our teeth. That can make it really easy to feel bad about ourselves. The other...

Confessions of a Worrier

I worry. Although I am a coach, I am still human and at any given time I probably have at least 2 imaginary scenarios swirling through my head that will never actually happen. So, I have been giving the concept of worry some thought. Where it comes from, why we do it...