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Reflections on 2015

    Last night , I decided to take some time to reflect on the past year . So I did something very “2015”. I went through every picture I took on my iPhone in the last 12 months. There were a LOT of them and it really helped jog my memory about all that has...

Gratitude: Not just for Thanksgiving

    Here’s the scoop. If you are reading this right now, you’re one of the lucky ones. You have a computer, a phone, internet, a warm bed, food when you’re hungry and hopefully no immediate danger to your life like much of the world right now. I get it . You...

Perspective and Choice

Here’s the truth, the way we look at things matters. Take any situation in your life right now that is causing you an uncomfortable feeling. Maybe it’s your job, a relationship you’re in, school, or even an upcoming event you’re dreading. How would you name your...