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Thanks to social media, we have plenty of amo these days to compare our lives to others. We see the filtered, shiny photos of someone else’s life before we even have a chance to brush our teeth. That can make it really easy to feel bad about ourselves. The other day two of my friends and I did a live video chat on the new platform “Blab”. Immediately, there were unwarranted comments about our conversation and our appearance . So now, not only can we compare ourselves to each other but we can see in real time how people compare us to our peers . Isn’t that fantastic !?  ( Insert sarcasm )

So what do we do about this? How do we protect ourselves from the downward spiral that comes with comparison?

Here is what I can offer you ;

Figure out your purpose here on earth. Set your goals and work towards them every day. Be grateful for what you have while you are working for what you want to achieve. Let what others are doing be the guidepost for what is important to you.

When we feel jealousy towards someone, that is a clue that there is something we deeply admire about them. Something about them creates an internal friction that makes us uncomfortable. So call it what it is. It’s ok to want what someone else has and to be jealous if you play it right. Get clear on what it is. This can actually be incredibly useful in unlocking what is important to you and setting goals . Maybe you are comparing yourself to someone who has achieved a goal you didn’t even know you had. What can you do about it ? Set that goal and make sure you are working towards it everyday.

Comparison is also a great excuse to stop yourself from forward movement. It’s much easier to get jealous and sit on the sidelines than to take action towards your goals. Be aware of when you are falling into this trap.

Personally, it doesn’t matter how many good things I have going on or what I have just accomplished. The second I start comparing myself to what someone else is doing, my confidence can go down the drain.

How do I recover ?

I tell myself, “You don’t know what goes on behind the closed doors of this person’s life. You don’t know how far they have come. Look at how far you have come. Their path is different from your path. Focus on yourself .”

Be so sure of what you are meant to do here on earth that you are unshakeable and you can bounce back quickly from these moments of comparison.

Need help with that last part? Stay tuned for my next post when I dig into finding your life’s purpose….Can’t wait that long? Shoot me an email at