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Here I am as a confident little 4-year old somewhere around 1988. This was likely before anyone ever said anything to hurt my feelings or if they did, I was still blissfully unaware. Before the first time somebody called me Thunder Thighs or made fun of me for the lisp I used to have. Those comments we hear as young children that end up shaping our belief systems of ourselves. Those things that steal our innocence. But here I was, just me, hamming it up on the beach without a care in the world.

Little did I know that in the years to come that confidence and self-esteem would be something that I would struggle with greatly. It would make me slow to decide things because I never really trusted my own judgement. I would pick people to have in my life who needed “my help” because that was less risky for me and my ego. Backing down in disagreements because I wanted to appease another person. Not wanting to ruffle any feathers for fear of what others would think. Saying no to things that I actually really wanted. Constantly unsure and constantly comparing myself to others.

And finally, giving up too soon because the fear of failure was so unbearable .

Does any of this sound familiar to you???

The story doesn’t end here. I don’t live my life in such a way anymore. It was a long, hard road of fighting my way to figuring out who I am, what I stand for and what I won’t accept in my life. Now I help those who struggle with these very things. It IS possible to not feel this way.

Stay tuned for next week when I talk about Confidence Hijackers. The real and imagined things and people that tell us we “can’t”.

P.S. Want to hear more about this in person?? Sign up for our first LIVE event …