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What are they?

Those things that stop us from action. That good juicy action that equals a fulfilling and brave life. These confidence thieves tell us we “can’t do this or can’t do that”. Confidence thieves are that part of your personality that has good intentions of keeping you safe. But with that safety comes status quo and living small.  And who wants to live a life of status quo ? Not you ! You are here reading this because you want to grab life by the horns. You want to live a bold life of impact and passion. And that my dear takes confidence and courage.

What is the cost of lacking confidence?

Inaction, Envy, Self-doubt, and the worst one of all, REGRET. It IS possible to not live a life riddled with regret. The first step is making peace with the things that stop you.

So let’s dive in, here are 3 confidence killers and the magic sauce to quiet them once and for all:

Comparing yourself to others: The quickest way to make yourself feel terrible. Comparing yourself will bring you down from your highest high. But what if you didn’t compare yourself to others? What if you knew that you were doing exactly what you should be doing right now ? Remember there is NO ONE like you with your unique,talents and strengths. What if instead of letting this come up as jealousy, you turned it into admiration for someone ? Let that admiration inspire you to be more like that quality you want to possess. Reframing your mindset around this concept is a GAME CHANGER.

Ruminating over the past: It’s over. The past is over. It actually does not do you any good to overanalyze the past. “Failures” are a sign that you tried something so congratulations! Choose to make a lesson from your perceived failure and move forward. Just because something didn’t work in the past doesn’t mean you are doomed. Confidence is about embracing the uncertain, and picking yourself back up again….and again.

Not taking care of yourself: Only you know what makes you feel your best. When you feel your best, you are much more likely to act boldly and courageously. When we go against what feels best for our body and mind anything that is already uncomfortable for us becomes even less attractive. Position yourself to feel your best so being bold and confident comes easy. Figure out your “secret sauce”. For me, I feel my best when I’m exercising regularly, eating well and having ample laughter and sunshine in my life. These things are an absolute priority to me.

So here is my homework inquiry:

What are you going to regret one day ?

Which one of these confidence killers is responsible?

What are you going to do about it?


Are you still having a tough time with this topic of confidence? You see my point but can’t imagine yourself as ever being truly confident? Let’s talk… Shoot me an email at


Stay tuned for next week when I talk about my number one tip for confidence. THE ONE THING YOU MUST DO.