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If you are reading this right now, you are one of the lucky ones.

You have a computer, a phone, internet, a warm bed, food when you’re hungry and hopefully no immediate danger to your life like much of the world right now. Yet, I’m willing to bet there is something you want that you don’t have. Something that is causing you longing and despair. A new job, a new relationship, more money, etc. Something that you feel your life won’t be “complete” until you have it. Am I right or Am I right?

And then there are the inevitable hardships in life. Those things you cannot change and are out of your control. You have worries and they are real. Couple all of this together and what we get is a life where if we aren’t careful, it’s extremely easy to lose sight of the GOOD that is already present in our lives RIGHT NOW.

Now, I’m not saying you have to love every part and moment of your life, but what I am saying is that we all have room to grown in the area of practicing gratitude.

The concept of gratitude is huge in the world of psychology and self-help right now and with good reason. Google “gratitude” and you will find a multitude of studies and articles that suggest a correlation between practicing gratitude and higher levels of resilience, happiness, and overall well-being.

Yet, most of our conversations with others and ourselves are about what we are missing in our lives.

Let’s talk today about cultivating the habit of being grateful for everything that comes your way. Being grateful for every thing that happens in your life because it’s all part of the experience. Acknowledging that someone has it worse than you.

2 things:

-We like to wait. We like to wait for that big thing to happen, that big goal to be achieved. Then we can be a grateful, right? When we wait, we miss the boat. I challenge you, what can you appreciate about your life RIGHT NOW just as it is? Even that hard thing you’re dealing with. What important lesson are you learning from it? What are you learning about yourself because of it? How can you use this lesson to impact your future in a positive way?

– Did you know that the single biggest predictor of human happiness is the quality of the person’s relationships ? We all have a least a few special people in our lives. The ones who do a lot for us, we can count on, inspire us, support us, or just brighten our lives a little knowing them. Here is the challenge: Tell them! Tell them now! … Yes, like right now! Don’t be stingy with your acknowledgment either. Sure, its always kind of nice to hear that you are “really great” from someone else. Want to really blow someone’s mind? Tell them specifically why they are so great and why you appreciate them. Tell them how they make you feel. Out with the generic compliments and in with powerful acknowledgments. There are few things more meaningful to hear than what impact you have made on someone’s life. Don’t assume people know what you think of them, they don’t! Watch the magic unfold on both ends when you do this for someone.

There really is no downside to practicing gratitude. Being aware of the good and abundance that we already have in our lives makes much less space for despair and longing. Many people find it hard to be grateful, because life is hard. And it IS ! But we aren’t going to be like that right ?!?!

Happy Thanksgiving Passionistas!!!! I am so incredibly grateful for you and your support. For reading my words and trusting me as your coach. Wishing you a wonderful family, fun and food-filled week ahead.

Boldly and Bravely yours,
