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Thats quite the headline, right ?!

So, picture this: My girlfriend and I are sitting at a bar enjoying drinks and snacks when this group of men comes and sits by us. One of the men is quite a bit older than us. I guessed late 60’s or early 70’s. (Very handsome though!)

We got to chatting with them and they were all very nice. We talked a little bit about our jobs and went on about our night. I really didn’t give the evening another thought…until 2 days later when I got an email from the older gentleman asking if he could take me out. Sidenote: I didn’t even give him my contact info, he found it.

WHHHHAaaaaaat?!, I thought . Wow, I was not expecting that. Did he know I was in my early 30’s? Is he crazy ?!

And while part of me thought he was off his rocker, the other part of me gave him serious snaps. He saw something he wanted and he went for it. I respect that. In fact, I greatly admire it and celebrate it.

Oprah says, ” you get in life, what you have the courage to ask for.”

So, I didn’t respond because the chance of me entertaining a relationship with someone in a *very* different stage of their life is slim to none.

BUT, it got me to thinking, what if we approached everything like that? What if when we became interested in something and instead of coming up with a million reasons why we won’t get it, we just went for it.

3 simple steps to doing this:

1) What is the worst that is going to happen?- What is the worst that is going to happen if something doesn’t go exactly the way you want it to? Sure, your ego may be bruised for a minute. AND, you will recover. Listen, there are things and people in my life that I thought I would NEVER get over. I could not imagine that my life would go on. Can you relate? And yet, here we all are.

2) What are the consequences if you don’t go for it? I will say this until I’m blue in the face. I believe that we can to some degree live a regret-free life. It requires us being thoughtful and intentional in every thing we do and don’t do. Yes, there are things that have already happened that you can be regretful of, BUT to say that you have no choice in how things go moving forward is releasing yourself from taking ownership of your life and how the story goes.

3) Do something about it: There is NO BETTER WAY to get clarity than to take an action. There are multiple times in my life where I put myself out there and from doing so I found out an answer. Sometimes I did not like the answer, AND it allowed me to get closure and waste no more time. Other times I LOVED my answer and it propelled me forward somewhere in life.

So my question is, what are you not asking for in your life? Why are you holding back and what are you potentially missing out on by doing so?

Yours in truth and tenacity,

Jessica Hetherington