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I’m a glass half full type of gal. It’s never really been hard for me to see the bright side of things. In fact, my go-to is to find a silver lining in evvvverryyything .  AND at the same time I like to keep it real.

Life can be HARD.


The older I get the more true this becomes.Watching friends and family (myself) go through tragedies, illnesses, and hardships.

Those inevitable ebbs and flows of life…

There have been dark times in my life where I have literally wished for someone else’s problems. ANYTHING besides what I was going through. I said, “God, hi it’s me Jessica and I  would like to trade this for something else please. This is to hard and I’m afraid I just can’t handle this.”

Have you ever felt this way?

Here’s what I have learned:

Being vulnerable is the BRAVE thing to do.

We are so conditioned as a society to think that hiding away our fears and keeping our feelings and problems to ourselves is the strong and noble thing to do.

I whole heartedly disagree.

The BRAVE and BOLD thing to do is to speak your truth. The feelings you are feeling will find a way to come out and it’s not always pretty. Say hello to drinking too much, eating too much or too little, isolating yourself along with a whole other host of unhealthy coping mechanisms.

A good friend of mine told me that he never really wants to talk about his sadness or his past because he is afraid of what would happen if he did . He’s afraid he won’t be able to handle the pain of  his past and his present life stressors. That it would all be too much. Sounds legit right? I get it, it’s not “fun” to be vulnerable. It’s hard and sometimes we feel that once we say our fears and problems out loud that they are real.

And then what do we do with them?

This is where having a trained professional comes in. Therapists and coaches are trained to “hold space” for clients. To provide a safe space for you . We know the right questions to ask and the techniques to create a supportive environment to promote growth and healing in our clients. In fact, it’s what we live for.

The cost of not being vulnerable is huge. Not to just you, but to humanity . The more we all walk around acting like everything is fine, the more isolated we all become thinking we are the only one. And the cycle continues.

So I ask you this:

Where are you just coping?

Who could you talk to?

What are you so afraid of happening?

“To share your weakness is to make yourself vulnerable; to make yourself vulnerable is to show your strength.”-  Chrissi Jammi