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How many of us have seen red flags in a situation and decided to not only proceed, but CHARGE towards them anyway??

Everyone better be nodding their heads HELL yes right now because we are all human and we’ve all done it. I won’t regail you in my MANY stories of doing this but I will tell you this. If you could get a doctorate in this subject you could call me Dr. Hetherington and I could write a damn good thesis too. A great book even.

Why are they so enticing? What is it about instant gratification that makes our mouth water and lets us make decisions that deep down, we know are going to take us further away from our goals? What makes you call that guy you know sucks for you?

Instant gratification is a POWERFUL driver of our decisions. Whether it revolves around food, dealings with people, alcohol or sex. We live in a society where instant gratification is prized, celebrated and coveted. But you know what is more powerful than all this? YOU, you are POWERFUL , even in those moments of temptation. It’s about living into this power, taking responsibility for your choices and acting accordingly.

So get ready, get set, it’s time to get REAL .

What void am I trying to fill here?

YES, you are trying to fill a void. I promise, I’m not making this up. Before you reach for that wine bottle, that extra cookie or make that call to the person you know isn’t good for you, could you slow down just 2 minutes and ask yourself

-What am I trying to “feed” right now?

-What am I really feeling right now? Name it, name the emotion and say it out loud.

-Is there an alternate way to deal with this? ( Answer: yup)

How am I going to feel about this decision tomorrow, in a week from now?

Don’t play dumb with yourself either because you are too smart for all that. We all looooove to justify that once we make a particular decision that we know probably won’t be good, that we will be fine and it will all work out. We can handle the consequences right ?! We will just start our diet tomorrow or maybe things will work out this time with this guy because something is different. Ummm ok.

I say it all the time, get real with yourself. Brutally real. How are you REALLY going to feel after you make the decision that your gut is telling you isn’t a good idea?

As a coach I don’t tell you what to do. That would be the easy thing to do though.  And trust me, there are plennnnttty of people who would pay me for that. But that’s not what Im about. My mission in this world is to create a tribe of people who are so rooted in their power that every choice they make feeds their vision of their best self.