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Last night , I decided to take some time to reflect on the past year . So I did something very “2015”. I went through every picture I took on my iPhone in the last 12 months. There were a LOT of them and it really helped jog my memory about all that has occurred over the past year. Some of them made me cringe because I remembered how bad things were. Many of them made me smile and laugh. All in all , it gave me all the juice I needed to sit down with a paper and pen and ask myself some powerful questions about my 2015.

Here are a few of my favorite questions and some follow up inquiries that will help you close off this year and set you up for a great 2016 :

 What lessons did you learn this year?

I found this quote somewhere and loved it “ Life is your school and the lessons are dressed up as your everyday incidences”. With these incidences we can either just let them pass us by or stop for a minute and acknowledge them for what they were . We can then use what we learned to move forward. In many of these incidences, chances are we played some part in the outcome and there is room to take some responsibility. What are the major life lessons you learned this year and what will you do differently moving forward?

Come up with at least 3 lessons from 2015 and how you will apply what you learned.

 What do you want to bring into 2016?

Imagine for a second that it’s December 31, 2016….. How do you want to be able to look back at this year? What do you want to say you accomplished? Where do you want to be? What do you want in your life? This is your chance to dream big .Declare what this year is going to be for you!

Take a few minutes to really visualize yourself and your life a year from now today and what you want it to look like.

 What do you need to do to make it happen?

For every thing/idea or intention you want to bring into 2016, start to think of what your game plan is going to get there. Get real with yourself . What really needs to happen for you to get there? What do you need to stop doing and what do you need to start doing? Maybe it’s having someone holding you accountable or maybe it’s setting up a certain structure for your workspace so you get more done. Get super clear on the action steps you need to take.

Make a list of what you will need to do to get there. What habits do you need to cultivate ? Who are the people you can enlist to help you? What else can you do to set yourself up for success? What actions do you need to take ,so in a year ,on December 31, 2016 ,you can look back and be satisfied?

So that’s it, short and sweet! I’d love to hear your thoughts below or at

On a personal note, thank you to all the people who touched my life this year. It was one hell of a ride and the number one lesson I learned is how lucky I am to have so many solid people in my life. Thank you for supporting me, listening to me, laughing with me and just being there. I would not be where I am today without you. Wishing everyone a very Happy and Healthy New Year!!!!!!!!