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The way we look at things matter.

Last week I spoke about how life can be hard and unfair. This week, let’s talk about choice and perspective. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.

We are all in a perspective about everything at all times.

Take these 3 statements and fill in the blank with your perspective:

Being single is….

Getting ready for vacation is….

My workweek this week is going to be…..

See what I mean? You are in a perspective about everything. A perspective that you most likely see as an absolute truth.

And with our lives in constant motion, its easy to forget sometimes that we actually have a choice in the matter. As a coach, I often hear things like ” Thats just the way it is”, “Thats how it is with me” or ” it is what it is” .

Its my job to keep an ear out for these types of  absolute statements and get curious with you as to what it’s like to be in this perspective and how it serves you .

And spoiler alert: often times, it’s not serving you at all.

The facts are, your circumstances may remain the same, but the way you look at them will have an ENORMOUS impact on your life. Everyday you are making choices whether or not you are aware of it and those everyday choices equal a life. So even on those days when you feel like life and external circumstances are in command, you really do have some degree of choice in the matter.

Think of some situation or topic in your life right now that is causing you some kind of internal strife. It could be a relationship, a job issue, an upcoming event, really anything.

What is your current perspective on the situation? Maybe it’s stressed, overwhelmed, indifferent, scared.

What are some alternate ways you could look at this ? What if you looked this situation from the exact opposite point of view?

What is possible here now? 

No really, what is possible here ? How does this make things change when you actively make the effort to look at things from a different perspective?

Does it feel lighter ? Is there more possibility now?

Hopefully in doing this short exercise, you see that your perspective is a choice. You really do have the power. Oh and I get it, sometimes we just want to be negative and not change our perspectives. Its the courageous thing to do to take responsibility for your views and perspective. But luckily we are all about being brave and bold around these parts !

Again, my job as a coach is to put the power back in your hands. To show you that you have a choice in EVERY situation. To give you the tools you need to have the STRENGTH to action these tools. I’m also here to call you out when you are stuck in a self-defeating perspective. It’s what I do and what I love.


P.S. If you look reallllly close at my shirt, it has a mandala on it that says “Magic is Everywhere”. Exactly what I am talking about in this post. If we CHOOSE to look close enough, there really is magic everywhere. Check out my friends at who make inspirational, cute and fun t-shirts that I absolutely adore.