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“You need to lose weight before you do that.

You aren’t smart enough, you will never figure that out.

You always mess things up, you shouldn’t even bother.

They aren’t going to like you.

No one cares what you have to say anyway.

They are going to think you are weird.”

Any of that ever go through your head?!

Meet your inner critic, aka your ego. A part of your personality that loves to keep you small, safe and comfortable. Your ego doesn’t want to see you get hurt or rejected or to look stupid.

The inner critic will seduce you into believing why you can’t do something, it will fill your brain with self-doubt that will make you question everything.

It will provide a VERY convincing argument as to why something isn’t going to work out for you and you will mistake this as an absolute truth.

But don’t stress, we all have it! Take comfort in the fact that having self-doubt is a normal part of the human experience and we all experience it to some degree no matter our level of success.

(In fact, it can be a good sign because it means you are pushing yourself out of your comfort zone!)

But what is at stake if we listen to this voice? What if we let it dictate our decisions?


Everything your heart so deeply desires is at stake.

When we listen to this voice we say no to our dreams. We say no to opportunities.

We say yes to regret. 

You settle, you stay in that job, in that half ass relationship. You are paralyzed with inaction.

You don’t fully express your talents, strengths and your LEGACY.

Changing this inner dialogue is not only possible, but will also be the most rewarding work you will ever take on.

As a Life Coach, part of my job is to help you get a better relationship with the inner critic so you continue to press forward and live your life in such a way that you are not looking back when you are 80 thinking wondering what happened.

I want to know what your goals are, what your dreams are. What would it look like to take your life to the next level ?  Your career? Your health? Your love life?

I want you to know that is IS possible for you to get what you want. It IS possible to have a better relationship with self-doubt.

I want you to be sitting in your rocking chair when you are in your 80’s and 90’s and looking back on your life saying “hell yes, I did it! I left no stone unturned!”.

What is stopping you right now? What would you need to make it happen?

This is not your practice life. Stop acting like it is!

Your in truth and tenacity,
