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A year ago, I graduated from my coaching program and I was HYPED. I was ready to take on the world as Coach. Ready to serve and inspire women like you. But the truth is I had NO idea where to start. Branding, marketing, operating systems, WHaaaaAAATT ?!?! I was totally overwhelmed and they didn’t teach us about business in coaching school. I knew I needed to start blogging, but I didn’t know how to operate a wordpress, I knew I needed an LLC but I didn’t even know what that meant.  Skip to today, a year later, and I have a fully operating BUSINESS.

But wait, it wasn’t that easy!  A lot has happened in between!!!!  This first year as an entrepreneur has offered me some of my highest highs and lowest lows. Behind the scenes of my coaching, blogs, videos, Instagram feed, A LOT goes down. Sometimes good and sometimes bad. Marketing, admin, blogging, technology, keeping up with social media, and actually COACHING . It’s a one woman show that has required some pretty serious self-discipline.

But I can say one thing with certainty:

I have never doubted that this is supposed to be what I’m doing.

The truth is I finally feel like I’m living my purpose. And like I always say, just because you are doing the right thing, doesn’t mean it should always feel easy.

My 2 biggest takeaways: 

Support system: I have a therapist and a coach. And I’m not afraid to tell you all that . Im dedicated to bringing the very best version of myself to this world. And like you, I have stuff to work through and I need someone to call me out when I’m playing small in my life and business. I also have an incredibly supportive family and circle of friends who believe in me and what I’m doing. I would not make it without these people.

Know your strengths and celebrate the shiz out of them: One of my first items of business with new clients is getting crystal clear with them on what their natural strengths are. When I first ask women this, very often, it takes them awhile to come up with something. This is probably my top tip for confidence in all areas of life. Know what you are good at and do more of it .  I know what I’m best in the world at and I put most of my focus there . I feel confident and like I am serving my purpose in the world when I’m utilizing my god-given talents.

My latest project is my Facebook group I started, Passion-Driven Life. This is my community were we inspire, motivate and hold each other accountable to living our BEST lives. (It’s also a safe space to vent and commiserate because let’s face it, sometimes we need that too!!! ) I’d love to see you there!!!

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for taking the time to read my words, thank you for trusting me as your coach and thank you for being a part of this crazy and awesome journey with me.

Boldly and Bravely yours,


P.S. If you are struggling with something right now, I have a few questions I want to ask you. Click here to get on my calendar next week…