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“Argue for your limitations and you get to keep them.”

I will talk about this until I’m blue in the face Passionistas. If you think you can, you will, if you don’t think you can, you won’t. The end.

Ok,ok, just kidding, I have WAY more to say about it! I am PUMPED up about this topic after a week of awesome sessions with clients. Sessions where we busted through some MAJOR roadblocks and “obstacles”.

Let’s talk about your life right now.

Where are you arguing for your limitations right now in your life?

Where are you rationalizing away a reason you can’t have something you want? Because THAT will be the thing that will hold you back the most in life. And oh, I get it . You have a past . You have a past full of experiences that give you great “reasons” why something won’t work for you in your future.  A past full of instances of minor and major hurt, rejection and pain. Welcome to the club!

Because it hasn’t worked in the past, it’s not likely going to happen in the future right? WRONG.

I’m calling BS on all of this.

What if you viewed everything as an experiment? Ok, so, you have made some mistakes in the past. Things may not have worked out as well as you wanted it to. Take a look back right now and ask yourself if you see any patterns. What is your “thing” that you do over and over again that holds you back. How do you self-sabotage? This is the first step of clearing your mind of your self-imposed limitations . Figure out your patterns of sabotage.

 How, when, and why do you self-sabotage?

It’s hard to see these patterns if we don’t actually press pause to stop and think about it. We are all out there so busy living our lives that we fail to see how we get ourselves into these patterns of sabotage. It happens quick, like a reflex, which in a way it is.

And what if instead of giving ourselves a way out by saying “ I might do that”, we proudly declared “ I’m going to do that”??

So here are my 2 challenges for you this weekend Passionistas:

  • Figure out your pattern of sabotage. We all have one. I want to know yours. It’s not going to be fixed overnight but the first step is awareness.
  • Do something your “rational mind” thinks you can’t. The only way to silence those inner critics is to prove them wrong. Start consistently proving the inner critics wrong and you will find they start to shut up. Remember how I always say “ You teach people how to treat you” ? Well, the same goes for those pesky inner critics that tell you “you can’t” . Show them who the real boss is Passionistas.


I’ve heard from many of you but I haven’t heard from all of you! If you want something, and you know lack of confidence and self-sabotage is holding you back, I want to know. I have some questions for you and I want to hear about it. So much in fact, I cleared some space on my calendar next week to talk about it .

Boldly and Bravely yours,
