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You teach people how to treat you

Are you a good teacher? This quote has always stuck with me. I think I heard it on Dr.Phil years ago ( who I’m not generally a huge fan of ). But, kudos to you this time Dr.Phil, because you really nailed this one on the head. People will get away with what you...

You choose it…

        The way we look at things matter. Last week I spoke about how life can be hard and unfair. This week, let’s talk about choice and perspective. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. We are all in a perspective about...

Life is unfair.

  Sometimes. I’m a glass half full type of gal. It’s never really been hard for me to see the bright side of things. In fact, my go-to is to find a silver lining in evvvverryyything .  AND at the same time I like to keep it real. Life can be HARD....

Defeating the Confidence Thieves

  What are they? Those things that stop us from action. That good juicy action that equals a fulfilling and brave life. These confidence thieves tell us we “can’t do this or can’t do that”. Confidence thieves are that part of your...


  Here I am as a confident little 4-year old somewhere around 1988. This was likely before anyone ever said anything to hurt my feelings or if they did, I was still blissfully unaware. Before the first time somebody called me Thunder Thighs or made fun of me for...

Imposter Syndrome

    Last week, I had a conversation with someone who is arguably one of the most successful people I know. His work has appeared in a variety of publications and he is well-known in the financial industry. Interestingly enough, he says he still feels like an...