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For the past 4 years I lived in a lovely 552 sq. ft. apartment in sunny Central Florida, also known as my cozy little comfort zone. No matter where I traveled or visited, I always had the peace of mind knowing I had a place to come home to. My closet was filled to the brim with clothes I never wore and “things” I didn’t really use. That apartment represented a huge chapter in my life filled with friendships, relationships, illness, love, loss the whole she-bang.

I knew I needed to leave but there was no sense of urgency and I didn’t have the “perfect plan” to move forward.

Most of my life I have waited for conditions to be “just right” to do anything or move forward, this is not news to me as I am a self proclaimed perfectionist. Well, this year threw me some curveballs in the form of a chronic medical condition that created the kind of movement in my life that would have made my former self quiver with fear.

I was in a place where I had to face some hard truths and make some even harder decisions under imperfect conditions. Also known as my worst nightmare! I had to come up with a solid Plan B so I created what I always wanted to do anyways but lacked the courage and started my own coaching business.

I signed up for my coaching certification classes in cities I wanted to explore, only knowing a couple of people here and there. I wanted to build new relationships, see this country and break myself of limitations that I had set for myself long ago.

In September I loaded up my POD with my belongings and headed to my parents house in Atlanta to start my cross-country journey. I very strategically and apprehensively packed my 2 suitcases for 41 days terrified that I wasn’t going to make it that long with that little clothing.

 Spoiler alert: I didn’t even wear half of it!

Everywhere I went, flew or traveled I made a huge effort to talk and connect to those around me. I won’t even try to count the number of generous and supportive human beings I met during this trip whom I didn’t even know existed 2 months ago.

I survived with only 3 pairs of shoes and what was in those suitcases which proved to be not only totally possible but freeing and empowering at the same time.

I have put myself in a situation where I didn’t know and still don’t know what is to come next, something that would generally cause great anxiety and I have ended up feeling more alive than I ever have.  

The most important lesson I have learned is that no matter what happens and what I have that I will always be ok and so will you.

“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved. “- Helen Keller