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Adversity: A difficult situation or condition: misfortune or tragedy.

No matter how smart, beautiful, or clever you are, you are going to face problems both big and small in life. This is one of the absolutes in life we can count on.

Everywhere we look there is adversity. War, earthquakes, senseless shootings, death, cancer, chronic illness. And everywhere we look there are people dedicated to overcoming and showing courage in the face of it.

Most people didn’t plan for shit to go wrong. It happened and they were put in a position where they had to overcome and so they did. These are the people who decided to be resilient and turn life’s shit into glitter.

Successful people aren’t just people who haven’t had problems. They are the ones who have chosen to be resilient and equip themselves to bounce back bigger and better.

I myself have been in a very unsavory situation with my health. The kind of situation that actually made me utter the words,

” If this is going to be my life, then I’m not interested in living it.”

This situation truly ended up making me a better person because I decided thats what was going to happen. It built character, showed me strength and confidence I didn’t know I had and gave me empathy I had been lacking. If you choose to let it, adversity will do this to you. There were many days I wanted to stay under the covers but I dug deep and decided that I wasn’t going to go out like that. That I was going to create some GLITTER out of life’s shit. And so the term “shit into glitter” was coined and I created my career as a coach.

“Shit into glitter” is not only training yourself to find the good in every situation, it’s the dedication to creating something glittery and fabulous from it too. It’s about thinking outside of the box and getting creative . There is almost always some kind of solution to your situation, it just might look different than you thought or want it to be.

But wait, you may be thinking do I ever get to feel sorry for myself? Of course!!! Pity parties can be useful to the healing process.  Let me be clear, grief is a real thing and should not be swept under the rug . There is a difference between grief, grieving and feeling sorry for yourself . Grief has stages and mostly gets better over a period of time . Chronically feeling sorry for yourself is letting yourself of the hook at the detriment of your best life.

Shit into Glitter tips:

Look for the learning opportunities in every situation: There is no education like adversity and you CAN find value in every situation.

Train your brain to bounce back bigger and better from adversity: If you had to get up on stage and teach a group of people about this situation, what would you say? What advice would you give? Start thinking in these terms.

Turn life’s shit into GLITTER: Get creative and think BIG. Take an action . How might your struggle help others? What can you do to action this NOW ( not later!) ?

I’m so inspired by the people I watch do this. A friend of mine and fellow coach just got diagnosed with breast cancer. She is too young and too much of a phenomenal person for this. But we know, cancer does not discriminate. Yet, this woman posts positive AF videos about her journey, paints her nails in glittery nail polish and inspired 100’s of others to paint theirs in support.  Does she grieve in private? I’m sure she does, and she should. The point is, she is dedicated to turning her shit into GLITTER. I have no doubt that this particularly tenacious woman will turn this situation into something beautiful .

It takes confidence to know you will be ok. Discipline to take action and courage to follow through . All things YOU are capable of .

Want to talk more? Get on my calendar for a call.

“You don’t have a right to the cards you believe you should have been dealt. You have an obligation to play the hell out of the ones you’re holding” – Cheryl Strayed