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According to my verrrry mathematical estimation, all of us are going through some kind of transition right now. If you think about it, life is just one big giant, ever-evolving transition. Maybe a relationship just ended, you got laid off, or you are just waiting for the next “thing” to start.

For whatever reason, you are in a kind of “in-between” phase of your life, have no idea what the “F” you are doing, and you just want to know how it’s going to end. Oh girl, I feel you! I know you, I have been you.

Uncertainty used to make me really uncomfortable. Naturally, I’m a black and white thinker. I don’t “kind of” like anything. If you ask me about almost any topic or thing, I’m going to give you an impassioned speech on why I love said thing, or I’m going to absolutely slam it. Call it what you will. I call it being decisive and passionate.

Buuuuuutttt, that way of thought hasn’t always served me and I’ve had to make some shifts. With that passion comes impatience and impulsivity. Because I used to act so in the moment, I’ve made some questionable choices in my life just because I couldn’t wait. I needed to manufacture an ending to put the uncertainty to bed. Uncertainty made me SO uncomfortable that I just went with anything to put myself out of my self-imposed misery. I was trying to outsmart the game, when really the fact is:

Unless you can see the future, you will always be uncertain about some things.


Now, we have choice with this statement. We always have a choice on how we want to look at something.

Are we going to let it stress us out? Or are we going to see it as exciting and full of possibility?

The cost of constantly stressing about uncertainty is high. This is a HUGE topic with my clients. I know that this statement not only stresses people out, but also creates a host of time consuming and life-altering behaviors to try to soothe it. It creates worry, seeking constant reassurance from others, procrastination, decision paralysis and taking on more than you should in life. Does any of that sound familiar?

Remember what I always say Passionistas:

The way you look at things matters. The way you look at things is your CHOICE.

Your challenge this weekend is to look at the area of uncertainty in your life right now as EXCITING.

Repeat after me:

Uncertainty is good.

It’s exciting, it’s unnerving, it builds confidence and it’s the birthplace of all the EPIC SHIT I’m going to do in my life.

It keeps me inspired and on my toes. A life of certainty is boring, and I am not about that.

Boldly and Bravely yours,



If you want more on this topic, I’ve got you covered! In my program, “Girl on Fire”, launching this January, we dive even deeper into this. You will learn to navigate life’s inevitable transitions with grace, confidence and ease. You will make confident decisions without complete information. You will stop worrying and start being the BOSS of your own life. Stay tuned for more….