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Tenacity is the dedication to go on when the most attractive proposition is to give up. Perseverance over time and persistent determination.

Newsflash: You will need this in every area of your life to be successful. Career, love, parenting, health, your passions, etc.

Tenacity is what is going to be the difference between you folding, or bouncing back bigger and better no matter what life throws at you. Tenacity is that quality you MUST have to feel the fear and do it anyway.

It’s human nature to complain that something isn’t working in our lives and that it’s “always going to be this way”. I hear this ALL the time. Most of us are only looking at something from one angle, and we aren’t actually exhausting all of our resources. We don’t want to think outside of the box because it’s uncomfortable there.

A question I often ask clients with regards to reaching any goal is “what is the thing you don’t want me to ask you to do?”. Without fail, they always have an immediate answer for me. They answer with something that will take them massively out of their comfort zone that they have been avoiding.

I challenge them to do it. This is another characteristic of tenacity, taking action and doing the things that scare you the most.

Tenacious Tips for reaching any goal:

Burn the ship: Giving up is not one of your options. Eliminate that as an option and go HARD.

Watch who your surround yourself with: You are a combination of the 5 people you spend the most time with. Choose wisely. I can say with certainty right now that the only people I have in my life wouldn’t let me quit anything even if I wanted to.

Get comfortable with being uncomfortable: You are not going to get what you want out of life hiding under your comfort zone blanket. Wrap your brain around this and never forget it. If you feel uncomfortable, GREAT job! You are headed in the right direction.

Remove emotions: Emotions are super important but get this, you are not always going to feel like doing what you have to do. Living your purpose and going after big goals isn’t always going to feel easy. It shouldn’t. Just because something feels hard does NOT mean it’s time to quit. Figure out your way to get motivated even when you don’t feel like it. (For me it’s a combination of  blasting music and lots of espresso! )